I know it has been a long time since my last post...sorry! We can’t believe that at this time last year we were announcing that we were pregnant and having a little girl. Now our beautiful Madison is 7 1/2 months old. Wow, how time flies! Our sweet little girl has given us a run for our money but I think we are headed for great things.
At her last check-up (about a month ago) she was 90th % in height at 27 inches and 90th % in weight at 19 pounds. Her acid reflux is virtually gone and we are all thankful for that. She has her two bottom front teeth in and her two top front teeth will be popping out any day…we can see them! She can sit and play and loves to bang things together. Her favorite thing to do is rub things across her mouth to make the “Indian call”…”Ah ba ba ba ba”. Madison is starting to attempt crawling…she gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. She is just starting to move forward!
Mommy and Madison go to Gymboree 4 times a week to play! Madison loves the big parachute and all the bubbles. Mommy has been making homemade baby food and really enjoys mealtime with Madie! It is very messy but lots of fun. Her favorites are papayas and avocado (we call it papayacado), sweet potatoes, and squash (aka squish-squash). Cheri is still “trying” to work as a substitute teacher but the work has been very slow. She misses being in the classroom and is hoping the work will pick up soon. Nolan is still working at Newport and is working harder than ever to support his family.
Please keep in touch! And we promise to do the same! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
14 years ago
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